The feed is a standardized means of communication and data access used throughout known human space.
The feed is similar to a wireless local network connected to the internet or a mobile cellular network. Humans can access the feed via external or implanted interfaces (augments). Bots and constructs have built in interfaces with hard-coded addresses (like a MAC address or IMSI). These fixed addresses serve as “names” when bots and constructs communicate with one another. Humans can be tracked by their feed interfaces, but this is not reliable with non-augmented humans, who can lose or discard their interfaces. Feed interfaces usually remain powered on and traceable even if their human user is unconscious.
Communicating through the feed requires an active feed server, like a Wi-Fi router or cell tower. Limited short-range wireless connectivity is possible in the absence of an active feed (similar to a Bluetooth connection). Marker Paint is a substance that can emit a feed signal without an active local feed network or power source.
Multiple “levels” of the feed have different degrees of encryption and may carry data that is more or less sensitive, e.g. entertainment vs. financial transactions. Within levels, there may also be different channels, possibly corresponding to bandwidth frequencies.
The feed is not directly broadcast across interstellar distances, because a signal traveling at the speed of light would take years (or centuries) to travel the distance between worlds. Data packets are carried between planets and space stations via wormhole-capable starships. There is no other known mechanism of FTL communication.
Bots, constructs and augmented humans may perceive the feed as a virtual reality or augmented reality overlay, metaphorically interpreting the feed as a physical place or substance.
Human voices on the feed sound like their physical voices (and are even capable of showing emotion). Humans and augmented humans usually subvocalize when talking on the feed. Human and augmented human users often display their "Feed ID," which displays their name/designation and their gender.
The feed is capable of being used as a means to transmit and spread killware.
External Interfaces[]
According to Murderbot, most normal external interfaces have a lot of different possible designs, such as "carved natural wood to skin tones to jewels or stones or enamel art pieces to actual plain metal with a brand logo."
- The entertainment feed is where Murderbot procures its serials.
Also see Comms