Murderbot Wiki

Constructs are a combination of inorganic bot components and organic tissue, usually cloned human tissue. Unlike augmented humans, constructs do not have full human rights in any known polity.

The earliest constructs were developed using human survivors of catastrophic injuries and were considered fully human, able to choose their employment, etc.

Constructs seem to be relatively common in the Corporation Rim, where they are considered property and are widely thought to be incapable of self-awareness or feelings (or even speech). Constructs are not common outside of the Corporation Rim, e.g. on Freehold planets, and still do not generally have citizenship rights, falling under the same laws as bots and requiring a human “guardian.”

Constructs are, however, sentient, as stated by Martha Wells and as obviously shown by Murderbot.

Known forms of constructs include:

There may be other forms of constructs not described in the series so far.

It is not known how long it takes to create a construct. SecUnits are able to heal up to 20% of their body mass within 8 hours or so in a repair cubicle (and are allegedly able to regenerate up to 80% of their organic body mass in an unknown amount of time), so it seems unlikely that the 18 or so standard human years are required to complete a construct. Constructs have no socialization and are trained using 'training modules' (digital programs or data packets designed for construct education), which may vary in quality. They are unaware of any topics they have not been trained on or have not directly experienced.

Constructs are stronger than humans, even most augmented humans, as well as being considerably faster. They have highly durable skeletal systems made of metal and synthetic bone, and may have in-built weapons or other equipment. They can control their sensitivity to light, sound, pain, etc. They generally do not have digestive systems, but have some form of internal power that can be depleted with high levels of activity. After depletion, a construct may require a recharge cycle during which their power system reserves are replenished. This process does not resemble human sleep. No mention is made of constructs having dreams.

Constructs created in the Corporation Rim include a governor module to enforce their compliance.
